
08 July 2024

CRS 2024 – Let's Talk About Complex Formulations!

Are you working on LAI, microspheres, liposomes, 3D tablets, or other complex dosage forms? Pharmaceutical testing often presents challenges that require specialized expertise and flexible instruments.

Laboratory staff working on complex dosage forms, such as 3D tablets and other complex formulations

Testing novel dosage forms and complex formulations for IVIVC and bioavailability can be particularly demanding. Instruments with high flexibility are essential for developing effective dissolution methods. They accommodate various dosage forms, ensure repeatable positioning, and allow adaptable test media volumes and pH levels, among other features.

Our experts provide comprehensive support, from method development and validation to instrument selection and troubleshooting. With decades of experience in creating testing instruments and methods for pharmaceutical products, our expertise covers both analytical and formulation aspects. We handle small and large molecules, immediate and modified release dosage forms, and both oral and parenteral routes of administration.

What challenges are you facing in your work? Let's discuss them at CRS 2024!

CRS 2024 Annual Meeting & Exposition
Booth #51
08 - 12 July 2024
Bologna, Italy